How to use an intake form

3 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024


An intake form is a handy way to gather customer information without needing a call or manual entry. It's a digital form you send to customers for them to fill in themselves. This will save you time spent on the phone collecting information.

You can customize the form and determine what information you want to collect from the customer. Let's start building your first intake form!

Tip: An intake form is an excellent tool for starting your database fresh. If you have a lot of outdated data from another software, this form gives you the opportunity to collect the most recent and relevant information from your customers. If you're transitioning from another software, it's an easier method to distribute the form to all your customers and have them fill it out. This way, you avoid manually inputting information from the old database.


Creating an Intake form

navigate to **Settings**→ Intake Form → click Add New Enter form name and instruction for your customer to follow and then click Add Form

Customize your intake form

Accpet Client Type

You can restrict the intake form to Existing Clients, New Clients, or Both. When an existing client fills out the form, our system will prompt you to decide if you want to merge the new information to overwrite existing customer data.

Required Agreements

You can attach the required agreement to the intake form. This way, your customer can sign the agreement after completing their information.

You also have the option to enable the "collect credit card" feature in the agreement. After your customer signs the agreement, our software will prompt them to enter their credit card information. Please note, this feature is only available if you are using Stripe or Square payment solutions.

Share settings

You can distribute the intake form to your customers through SMS text, email, or Facebook. In the Share settings, you can upload your logo and include a brief description.


Send Verification code

This feature helps prevent spam requests through your online booking link. Each customer will receive a verification code after entering their phone number. They must enter this code before they can request an appointment. For security reasons, we recommend enabling this feature to better protect your customer's information.


For Mobile Grooming Business

Service Area Check

You can enable a service area check in GrooMore. This feature checks the customer's address and filters clients based on their zip code. If a customer is outside your service area, GrooMore will inform them that your service is unavailable in their area.











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